About Us

About Us

May God Be Glorified
          May The World Be Won
                    And Christians Grow In The Image of Christ

History of the Congregation
Several families living in the Glen Este area shared the desire for a church in their community. These folks encouraged the Elders of the Batavia Church of Christ and their minister, Joe R. Kearns, to begin working to establish a new congregation.
Early in 1984, several families met to make preliminary plans. Some get-acquainted activities were held during the summer, which led to regular Wednesday Bible studies in the fall. The group decided to begin meeting for worship on Sunday evenings at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lorenzo. Bill Stauter served as our preacher. On the first Sunday evening, twenty-seven attended and eighteen placed membership. We soon purchased our present property and converted a large garage into our first meeting place. Sixty one people attended our first morning service on December 2, 1984, with Joe Kearns preaching. He served both Glen Este and Batavia briefly, then became our first full-time minister in January, 1985.
The Lord has blessed our congregation with many talented, energetic, and enthusiastic members. Our original building is the result of the generosity and sacrificial labor of these members and many friends. We had our dedication in our first building December 6, 1987.
As we continued to grow, the need for a new building became very evident. Our current area was built and we moved into the new facility October 27, 2006. What a “moving” day it was as we followed the Elders & Deacons as they carried the Communion table, flags, etc. to the new Sanctuary and we all followed singing “Onward Christian Soldiers.” We dedicated this new building November 12, 2006. We weren’t able to complete the Lower Level in the new building when it was first built. In 2008 the Elders decided to complete the Lower Level, with our folks doing a lot of the work. This was to be on a pay-as-you go basis and as the money came in, work was completed. We have now begun to use the lower level as it has provided us with more room for lots of activities, Bible studies and more fellowship dinners!
